lunes, 9 de enero de 2017


Durante el primer trimestre todos los cursos de primaria hemos trabajado la descripción en los 3 idiomas: euskara, inglés y castellano.

A continuación podéis ver algunas descripciones realizadas por alumnas y alumnos de diferentes cursos.

1º de primaria:

2º de primaria:

3º de primaria:

Harry Potter
Harry is holding a magic wand in his hand. He has got glasses and he is wearing a school uniform. He has Brown wavy hair and his face looks Little bit grumpy. His school uniform has a tie. The uniform is blue or maybe black.
He has got Brown eyes.
Harry Potter is a magician.

                                                                                         Iker Pardo

Harry Potter

Harry potter has got dark straight hair, he is a boy. He wears glasses. He is holding a magic wand.
He is helpful, clever and funny. He has got blue-Green eyes.

                                                                Álvaro Marquinez

Harry Potter is a famous artist. He Works in “Warner Bross” movies. He is clever and he is a magician. He has got blue eyes, Brown hair and he is holding a magic wand.
His life is very very dangerous.

                                                     Santi quintero

Harry Potter wears glasses and his eyes are Brown. His mouth is closed in the photo.
He has made a lot of films.
He has got straight hair, and a fair skin. In this photo, he is wearing a uniform because the film action happens in a school. And in the film, there are two boys and a girl: his Friends.

                                                              Lucía del Río

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Artistak gara egun batez!

Astearte honetan 2. mailako ikasleak Guggenheim museoa bisitatzera joan dira.
Bertan  Francis Baconen artelanak mirenstu dituzte eta monitorearen  azalpenei esker  autoerretratuei buruz gehiago ikasi dute.
Zenbait koadro ikusi ostean eta bisita amaitzeko, museoko tailerrean haien artelanak sortu dituzte eta primeran pasatu egin dute!
Begia, sudurra, ahoa eta belarriak moztu ondoren kartulina beltz baten gainean itsatsi dituzte, gero margoekin haien erretratuak amaitzeko.

Hona hemen argazki batzuk egindako artelanak ikus ditzazuen!

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Let´s know the world!

In social science we are working on cultural diversity and how important it is for all of us to know different languages and cultures. That´s why some of our students brought photos, typical songs and clothes as well as videos from their cities or countries in order to show their classmates a little bit more of their culture.
Thank you boys and girls! It was really interesting!

pizzeroak egun batez

Pasaden astearte eta asteazkean, lehen hezkuntzako 1go eta 2. mailako ikasleak Telepizzara joan dira.
Han, dieta orekatua zein den eta kirola egitearen garrantzia ezagutu ostean, sukaldari bihurtu dira!
Taldeka sukaldean sartu eta orearekin ibili dira, tomate saltsa bota dute eta gogoko osagarriak jarri dituzte pizzan.
 Azkenik, izen bat eman diote haien pizzari eta talde guztien artean pizzarik politena aukeratu dute.
Amaitzeko, ikasleen momenturik gogokoena etorri da… haiek egindako pizza jatea!!!


In the pictures below you can see the birthday chart created in order to know the birthdays of all of our classmates. By doing it, we also had the chance to review months of the year and numbers in english. 
It was great!

our village!

In social science,  we have been working on differences between cities and villages.
For this reason we have done our own village!

bagoaz superrera!

Gaur, San Pedro Apostoleko 2.mailako ikasleak superrera joan dira hainbat gauza erostera.

Besteak beste, zukuak, urdaiazpikoa, gazta eta ogia erosi dituzte gero klasean hamaiketakoa


Taldeka antolatuta egon dira eta talde bakoitzak bere dirua, poltsa eta erosi beharrekoa

zeukan idatzita, modu honetan denek zekiten zer egin.

Primeran pasatu dute eta supermerkatuan nola egon behar garen ikasteaz gain matematikak

ere praktikatu dituzte!